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Student Spotlight



Cedric Lakes II First Degree Black Belt

Cedric Lakes II First Degree Black Belt

The Lakes family started Mr. Lakes II in taekwondo when his dad needed to have back surgery. Worried that father and son interaction may decrease while his dad was healing, Mr. Lakes II’s parents enrolled him in a six week trial program. When the six week period was up, however, Mr. Lakes II had fallen in love with martial arts and decided to continue in his training.

Mr. Lakes II at his first tournament as a yellow belt

Mr. Lakes II at his first tournament as a yellow belt

The first time Mr. Lakes II decided he wanted to become a black belt was after seeing his first black belt ceremony. His parents have seen him develop both dedication and self-discipline since that day. Mr. Lakes II realized that the time spent developing his skills to become a black belt was going to take hard work, but as his mother, Trudy, describes it “a fire was lit inside him. Now, knowing that anything worth getting is worth working for, he works tirelessly at all things important to him, the dojahng, and family.”

Martial arts has helped Mr. Lakes II to tackle difficult situations he may approach in life, having the internal discipline to not react emotionally, assess the situation, and approach it with a clear mind.


Mr. Lakes II, after earning his First Degree Black Belt

To whom does Mr. Lakes II attribute this new look on life? He looks up to Mr. Luecke Jr, appreciating the knowledge that this instructor provides. He also sees some of himself in Mr. Luecke Jr, which motivates him to strive towards also earning his 4th degree at a young age. Mr. Lakes II also highly reveres Master Hockman, his mother saying that “He responds to Master Hockman like no other adult in his life. Cedric receives and respects messages from Master Hockman to the highest regards.”


Hockmans ATA Martial Arts