Mindful Meditation- Upcoming Seminar Information and Registration
Frequently when people think about martial artists, they can envision someone sitting by a waterfall meditating for hours on end. While this can be a serene image, the possible application for most people to spend hours on meditation is just not feasible. It’s a good thing then that meditation can be done in as little as 5 minutes a day and still have long lasting effects.
Master Jeff Hockman has over 30 years of experience in martial arts, receiving the distinctive title of Master in June of 2008. Drawing from his experience and research, he brings you an hour and a half long seminar on the topic of Mindful Meditation.
The class will cover topics such as what mindful meditation really is, tips to increase your meditation practice, as well as breathing exercises and how they correspond with meditation.
To prep yourself before class, here are some simple pointers that can jump start your journey into meditation:
- Meditation can be done in as little as 5 minutes, any time of the day. This can be done on a break from work, immediately upon waking, or before going to bed. When you start looking, five minutes in a day can be easy to find.
- Regular meditation is more important than time spent meditating. Allowing yourself a small amount of time every day to meditate will help you reduce your levels of stress, in turn lowering your body’s cortisol levels.
- Meditation makes us better human beings. Grown-ups who meditated regularly have been shown to be more happy, more social, and less egocentric.
- Meditation isn’t just for adults. Children can start to learn how to meditate and calm their mind, leading to better acceptance of change in their lives.
- Massachusetts General Hospital conducted a study which showed 40-60% of patients with high blood pressure noticed a statistically significant reduction in blood pressure after only 3 months or regular meditation.
- A mixture of meditation and visualization has been used by sports psychologists to help athletes develop a higher competitive edge against their opponents.
The seminar will be held at Hockman’s ATA Martial Arts East Location: 2709 E. Broadway, Suite 160, Columbia, MO, 65201
Seminar Date: June 3rd, 2016
Seminar Time: 6pm-7:30pm
Simply follow this link to register online using our secure website.